A mouthful, an enchanting pop, caustic humor, this is the magic formula of six Lille Roken Is Dodelijk . After an EP, The Terrible Things says "Morning," which is, after verification, in fact perfect to put you in a good mood for the day, eagerly awaited debut album, scheduled for May. Telephone interview, interspersed with laughter Jerome Voisin, the singer of the group.

Roken Is Dodelijk (Smoking is deadly, in Dutch) is to make sure that nobody can remember your name or it's a stoned trip to Amsterdam in seeing your pack of smokes?
No, it was just thought it would be nice to find a name that allows to make a commercial suicide, it was perfect!
view all from Lille (apart from one who comes from Lens), what you think of the current scene Lille?
is super hardy, there are many different styles of music are represented and suddenly there are a lot of people who make music in Lille. I think I do not know many people who do not actually.
A typical day for Roken Dodelijk Is?
We awoke at 19h, we take a shower and at 19:30 we go to the bar (laughs). No, no, already They are different for everyone because we are six in the group and that does the same thing every day, how to describe a typical day? Have to lie? Personally I spend a lot of time tweaking my computer new songs, we spend a lot of time with Jerome, the band's guitarist, to compose new songs and working on ongoing projects. It happens a lot in his underwear in a salon!
I heard that the album was recorded in three weeks in Britain, in an abandoned farm, you confirm?
This is not an abandoned farm is a farm that is used sometimes a concert hall, about CArray, called the Bacardi, I can not remember the name of the city ( Callac , ed.) They use the farm to accommodate groups, we had heard about this place and after visiting other places in Brittany, we chose this one. The goal was to spend three weeks a little self-sufficient to save something. So we were in this huge farm with lots of rooms that has transformed in the studio, it came with all the hardware, there was a room with the battery, a room with a guitar, another with the keypads, with another voice, it was pretty funny we slept in the middle of the material.
how happened, you had already prepared or you left room for improvisation?
We worked with a director who is Fred Avril, who did a lot of different things, he has released two albums on F Communications, the label of Laurent Garnier , more electro, he soundtracks of films, including the short film "Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers , called Sound Of Noise , winning the Stockholm festival, he got the award for Best Soundtrack . We worked with him for a period before, to prepare the record. We selected a score of pieces, then the number is reduced progressively. Of the three weeks there has been a week where finalizing all the final arrangements, structures and pieces of the past two weeks, there was like Stakhanovists, we got up around 10am and slept around 5am for three weeks so it was a bit physical. We recorded everything live in condition, there are some plugs that are rebuilt after such arrangements of keyboards or vocals but the basic stuff you do not want to be something of fact made by making a click, but really have a group game.
Between your last EP, The Terrible Things, and your upcoming album, which will be the major differences? Knowing that two pieces of The Terrible Things are on the album.
The production is a bit different on the EP there are five titles that have been mixed by us at home, so we left a lot of errors or imperfections with which we played. Fred Avril him in his method of mix is much clearer and much wider, so it's already the difference between the two titles that are on the EP and others. It sounds a little different, more punchy than the EP.
Yes, because you describe the sound of music as an EP in the morning.
There. We had two tracks on the album we had to this EP and we tried to build something coherent about these two titles. We thought it was a direction that interested us, that's what can make the morning to wake up to a good start in the day. I think that's something that speaks to many people, after it does not translate into the same music for everybody, there are people who do not listen at all what kind of music in the morning but in any case for us was the kind of disc that you would like to start a day.
Why sing in English?
For me it is something quite natural and I never really listened to music sung in French. For me the musical imagination is much more tied to the English language, I already tried to write in French and it is not natural. I feel that the meaning greatly limits the musicality in French, we must do much more attention to the meaning of words outside the music, which is not the case in English, where words in themselves attract music, ie it is a rhythm in the words that is already melodious. While the intonations and the words French are monotonous at the base, although they are more varied, more precise, I find it harder to play correctly. There are people who do very well, but here it is not very natural to sing in French.
If I make a parallel between you, Roken Dodelijk Is the Bewitched Hands and Arcade Fire you see the link or am I completely off base?
The common point is that there is much on stage with a girl in the group. We like all also speak live, to have something a little choir, as everyone sings in the approach the lives there is something in common after disk is still very different.
What are your influences, six in number but they must be those on which you join?
We already discussed it together because one day we were asked "what are the five CDs you have in common? "And we realized we did not five CDs together! Me for example, not a lot of music I listen differently, I like the crooners or groups acapellas, Jay likes Neil Young , Guiguite is a kind of music that bulimic listen to more records in his life that I will listen to song is very varied.
Straight if you had an album (besides yours) that you expect in 2011 what would it be and why? The album
Roken really going to be ... No, for 2011 I hope our friends from Baden Baden will release their album. Them to the coup, there is a real parallel course, these are our friends at the base, they started a little after us but overall I introduced my friend Les, Eric, the singer and their bassist is a super pal of our bassist. We are very close, we make things sometimes common, so it would be great that next year they released an album at the same time we like that we can do a lot of touring together.
Your neighbor is with them and more, right?
Yes, we did a showcase at FNAC on 20 and 27 January to play with them, it's cool it's been we have not played together. I think the last was in Paris to bid ago 2 / 3 years, so yes I am super happy.
Are you able to live off your music?
Yes we get to live like Cochards! (Laughs) It's clear that the relationship between time spent there and the money we gain is not huge but it is mainly devoted to this project.
Scene: kiffe or stress?
We never nervous before going on stage is really something that is natural enough. It's been a while since we toured together so we know each other well, it's really some good feelings for us, otherwise we would not do that.
No, it was just thought it would be nice to find a name that allows to make a commercial suicide, it was perfect!
view all from Lille (apart from one who comes from Lens), what you think of the current scene Lille?
is super hardy, there are many different styles of music are represented and suddenly there are a lot of people who make music in Lille. I think I do not know many people who do not actually.
A typical day for Roken Dodelijk Is?
We awoke at 19h, we take a shower and at 19:30 we go to the bar (laughs). No, no, already They are different for everyone because we are six in the group and that does the same thing every day, how to describe a typical day? Have to lie? Personally I spend a lot of time tweaking my computer new songs, we spend a lot of time with Jerome, the band's guitarist, to compose new songs and working on ongoing projects. It happens a lot in his underwear in a salon!
I heard that the album was recorded in three weeks in Britain, in an abandoned farm, you confirm?
This is not an abandoned farm is a farm that is used sometimes a concert hall, about CArray, called the Bacardi, I can not remember the name of the city ( Callac , ed.) They use the farm to accommodate groups, we had heard about this place and after visiting other places in Brittany, we chose this one. The goal was to spend three weeks a little self-sufficient to save something. So we were in this huge farm with lots of rooms that has transformed in the studio, it came with all the hardware, there was a room with the battery, a room with a guitar, another with the keypads, with another voice, it was pretty funny we slept in the middle of the material.
how happened, you had already prepared or you left room for improvisation?
We worked with a director who is Fred Avril, who did a lot of different things, he has released two albums on F Communications, the label of Laurent Garnier , more electro, he soundtracks of films, including the short film "Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers , called Sound Of Noise , winning the Stockholm festival, he got the award for Best Soundtrack . We worked with him for a period before, to prepare the record. We selected a score of pieces, then the number is reduced progressively. Of the three weeks there has been a week where finalizing all the final arrangements, structures and pieces of the past two weeks, there was like Stakhanovists, we got up around 10am and slept around 5am for three weeks so it was a bit physical. We recorded everything live in condition, there are some plugs that are rebuilt after such arrangements of keyboards or vocals but the basic stuff you do not want to be something of fact made by making a click, but really have a group game.
Between your last EP, The Terrible Things, and your upcoming album, which will be the major differences? Knowing that two pieces of The Terrible Things are on the album.
The production is a bit different on the EP there are five titles that have been mixed by us at home, so we left a lot of errors or imperfections with which we played. Fred Avril him in his method of mix is much clearer and much wider, so it's already the difference between the two titles that are on the EP and others. It sounds a little different, more punchy than the EP.
Yes, because you describe the sound of music as an EP in the morning.
There. We had two tracks on the album we had to this EP and we tried to build something coherent about these two titles. We thought it was a direction that interested us, that's what can make the morning to wake up to a good start in the day. I think that's something that speaks to many people, after it does not translate into the same music for everybody, there are people who do not listen at all what kind of music in the morning but in any case for us was the kind of disc that you would like to start a day.
Why sing in English?
For me it is something quite natural and I never really listened to music sung in French. For me the musical imagination is much more tied to the English language, I already tried to write in French and it is not natural. I feel that the meaning greatly limits the musicality in French, we must do much more attention to the meaning of words outside the music, which is not the case in English, where words in themselves attract music, ie it is a rhythm in the words that is already melodious. While the intonations and the words French are monotonous at the base, although they are more varied, more precise, I find it harder to play correctly. There are people who do very well, but here it is not very natural to sing in French.
If I make a parallel between you, Roken Dodelijk Is the Bewitched Hands and Arcade Fire you see the link or am I completely off base?
The common point is that there is much on stage with a girl in the group. We like all also speak live, to have something a little choir, as everyone sings in the approach the lives there is something in common after disk is still very different.
What are your influences, six in number but they must be those on which you join?
We already discussed it together because one day we were asked "what are the five CDs you have in common? "And we realized we did not five CDs together! Me for example, not a lot of music I listen differently, I like the crooners or groups acapellas, Jay likes Neil Young , Guiguite is a kind of music that bulimic listen to more records in his life that I will listen to song is very varied.
Straight if you had an album (besides yours) that you expect in 2011 what would it be and why? The album
Roken really going to be ... No, for 2011 I hope our friends from Baden Baden will release their album. Them to the coup, there is a real parallel course, these are our friends at the base, they started a little after us but overall I introduced my friend Les, Eric, the singer and their bassist is a super pal of our bassist. We are very close, we make things sometimes common, so it would be great that next year they released an album at the same time we like that we can do a lot of touring together.
Your neighbor is with them and more, right?
Yes, we did a showcase at FNAC on 20 and 27 January to play with them, it's cool it's been we have not played together. I think the last was in Paris to bid ago 2 / 3 years, so yes I am super happy.
Are you able to live off your music?
Yes we get to live like Cochards! (Laughs) It's clear that the relationship between time spent there and the money we gain is not huge but it is mainly devoted to this project.
Scene: kiffe or stress?
We never nervous before going on stage is really something that is natural enough. It's been a while since we toured together so we know each other well, it's really some good feelings for us, otherwise we would not do that.
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