Almost a year to the day since the last event of bloggers organized by Billie Shop, Team fashionistas recidivism. This time the event was held to inaugurate their new location on Laurier.
Above all, specify that it is uncomfortable to read a statement almost entirely copy / paste on a blog. These is not the case here. My goal is to share the fun details of the event!
Above all, specify that it is uncomfortable to read a statement almost entirely copy / paste on a blog. These is not the case here. My goal is to share the fun details of the event!

team of the evening decided to make it big. To my delight, the sense of taste has not been spared. Flutes of champagne were met at will, cabaret full of delicious little savory bites circulating in the crowd, two beautiful cakes were cut roses for the sweet tooth and most importantly, a bag of buttons from left fist was given to us at the exit !

Ariane Moffatt spinner for our little pink ears! Whether or not fan of the singer, she amazed the gallery by his choice of music of all genres.
I also had the pleasure of getting to know Danishaz , the head behind the blog Most e (s) t accessory. BĂ©atricepl avpns and I miss a good laugh with!
A little later in the evening, it was the turn of the beautiful Candice of Montreal Infashion maintain the conversation. I was well happy to meet him.

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